Immy is an emerging virtual reality glasses product that wanted to establish a brand identity and campaign. The Immy utilizes a unique technology called N.E.O (Natural Eye Optics), which allows for a safer and richer AR/VR user experience.

financial advisor
The objective of this assignment was to engage existing customers to encourage a conversation with their millennial children about the importance of a financial advisor relationship.
building their dreams
It’s part of our national ethos. Parents have always wanted their children to live at least as well as … and preferably better than … they did. We have our dreams for them. And they have dreams for themselves. Mutual of Omaha can help protect those dreams and make them a reality. Visually, the focus treats the kids/parents equally, supporting the dreams of both.
obstacle to overcome
Trying to generate leads from Mutual of Omaha's existing members was tricky. Legally, Mutual of Omaha couldn't solicit to their members children directly. As a result, we tried to instead appeal to their parent's hopes and dreams for their children's future. In turn, inspiring the parents to begin the conversation with their kids to reach out to their financial advisor.

direct mail and email

reinforcing relationships
While this campaign's main goal was to kickstart a conversation between our members and their children, we also wanted to add value to the experience. By utilizing the real estate of boring (but mandatory) BRC slips for parents to give their children, we not only encouraged them to contact an advisor, but to also prompted parents to write their dreams for their children's future before giving it to them.

advisor social engagement
As we concepted for this assignment, we noticed a gap missing with advisors. A quick hop over to a few Mutual of Omaha advisor Facebook profiles quickly revealed they were posting regularly, but not getting many hits or engagement on posts. To help further engage with their existing clients and the desired younger demographic, we provided a couple extra organic posts for them to help draw in more interest.

gifs i would share:
(Cause I know you were wondering)

retirement myth content series
Although not directly tied to the "Building Their Dreams" concept, we leveraged the strategy team's findings around the attitudes and preconceived notions millennials had around NOT being concerned with securing their financial future and retirement. Each myth in the social series would dispel these common ideas.